Undeniably juvenile, but funny and entertaining comedy stars Carrey—in his breakthrough role—as a goofy, wildly eccentric pet detective hired to find the missing Miami Dolphins mascot. He's the right man for the job but his childish idiosyncrasies, uncanny bond with animals, and aberrant investigative techniques cause outsiders to question whether or not he can actually make good on his word. Aimed mostly at fans who really enjoy silly humor, others will quickly find it tiresome. There are some amusing cameos by real Dolphin football players (including an engaging Dan Marino) but this film belongs to Carrey and his constant outrageousness. Sure-fire entertainment for fans of this genre. **½
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
This movie was funny! This is not high brow humor but if you are looking for something crazy and funny with immature humor, this is one of the best. This is Jim Carrey at his best...being wild and crazy.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
While his later films are good, Ace Ventura is the best of all. Jim Carrey brings his now famous style of acting to the screen. Ace is the kind of guy who you never know what he's going to do next, and that is what makes him so funny. The plot is not the best one out there and the actors in this one are not the best, but this movie is not for intelligent plots and famous actors. It's a whacky comedy that made Jim Carrey a star. The movie is not bad, not at all. Why people think that is just odd and strange. Guess there is no appreciation for good movies these days.